Join a Group

Are you looking to gain insight and support on a particular topic or issue? If so, group might be a great option for you or your loved one.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where a small group of individuals, typically guided by one or more therapists, come together to discuss and explore specific topics personal issues, experiences, and emotions in a supportive and structured environment. This therapeutic approach leverages the power of collective insight, as members share their struggles and progress, benefiting from the shared experiences of others.

The group dynamic helps individuals create a sense of community and belonging, while helping clients feel understood and less isolated in their challenges. Through group interactions, members can gain new perspectives, develop coping strategies, and improve interpersonal skills, all within a safe and confidential space.

Divorce Recovery + Empowerment Group for Women

This group will be held in person, at Well Mind Body, 3801 Kirby Drive Suite 344, on the second Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30pm. Group will begin October 9th.

This group is for any woman who is contemplating, currently experiencing or on the other side of divorce.

Group will run the second Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30pm and will begin October 9th.

This is an open group. You can sign up for any of the dates that work for your schedule.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Alberta Totz at 832.303.1228 ext 4 or email

Click HERE to Sign Up for Group