A Note to Our Fellow Houstonians After Hurricane Beryl
Dear Houstonians,
Our hearts go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Beryl. We extend our deepest sympathy to those who have suffered loss and displacement during this challenging time. The devastation and hardship brought by the storm are profound, and our thoughts are with the countless individuals and families striving to rebuild their lives.
Unfortunately, like many Houstonians, 3801 Kirby Drive is still without power as of 8pm on Sunday, July 14th. Our team is currently available to meet with you virtually.
If a virtual meeting does not work for you or your family, please reach out to your therapist, and we will try to find an alternative solution to meet your needs.
We promise to let you know when power is restored.
We recognize the immense challenges and emotional toll this disaster has brought, and we want you to know that you are not alone.
Dr. Elizabeth Miller + Well Mind Body Team