Creating Balance and Prioritizing Nutrition During the Holidays: A Guest Post by Jenna Nixon
We have officially entered into the fall season and with the holidays approaching, this tends to be the most difficult time of year to keep our nutritional needs in check. I have noticed that many of us have a tendency to mentally “let go” during this season when it comes to our health, especially with food choices.
We know there will be many opportunities for the seasonal treats that we love, gatherings with friends and family revolving around food, and we simply want to enjoy it and not miss out. Traditions and holiday rituals, including cooking family recipes and sharing our favorite treats are a healthy part of life and building community.
However, totally letting go without mindful thought as what our bodies actually need can be devastating to our health and wellness. A season of over indulgence oftentimes can lead to stress, anxiety, hormone imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation, difficulty sleeping and so much more.
Rather than jumping on a diet roller coaster and putting your body through so many ups and downs and twists and turns, I recommend finding a consistent, healthy balance by changing your mindset about how you will prioritize nutrition during this season.
The longer I work with people on their nutrition journeys, the more I realize just how tied our mental and emotional health are to our physical health. If you can change the way you think about food, you can permanently change the way you eat and improve your quality of life!
Here are a few tips I like to use in my own life as the season changes to maintain balance and prioritize my health:
1. Make a decision ahead of time to prioritize nutrient dense foods during the holiday season. This is not the time to give a thumbs up to load up on sugar.
2. Be thoughtful and intentional about what you put in your body. Prioritize nutrient dense foods.
3. Focus on an attitude of abundance. Don’t walk around with a deprived mentality. If you tell yourself you are deprived, you will believe it and healthy choices will feel like a punishment.
4. Make your own healthy alternative treats! Every year I make all kinds of fall and holiday treats at home for my family using healthier ingredients. We do our best to avoid store bought treats.
5. When eating sweets, lean towards treats that are your favorite.
6. Accountability is key! Surround yourself with other people who also care about their health and are working to make healthy choices right alongside you.
If you aren’t sure how to eat for your specific health needs, how to change your mindset, or you just need someone to hold you accountable, I’d be happy to be your guide! I have a 90 day wellness reset program where I work closely with people one-on-one to make simple and long term sustainable changes in their diet and lifestyle. I promise it is possible to find a healthy rhythm that works for you, and enjoy it!