Hypnosis Can Help Reduce Negative Symptoms Related to Pregnancy

Did you know that hypnosis has been shown to reduce physical and psychological symptoms related to pregnancy? Are you someone who is pregnant and experiencing nausea, vomiting, stress or anxiety? If so, hypnosis with a licensed practitioner may be able to help you reduce or eliminate some of these symptoms during pregnancy.

My personal experiences with pregnancy and hypnosis led me to become an advanced hypnosis practitioner and research the impact that hypnosis can have on negative pregnancy symptoms. In fact, I wrote my dissertation on it! My dissertation titled, “The Lived Experience of Hypnosis-Assisted Birth: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study” explores the lived experienced of women who choose to utilize hypnosis during pregnancy, labor and delivery. I personally suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum during my second pregnancy. After trying multiple medications that did not help, I was able to reduce the symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum with hypnosis.

I personally utilized hypnosis during both of my pregnancies and found it to be incredibly helpful in reducing symptoms related to pregnancy. Many of my clients who have experienced pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting, and anxiety have also benefitted from hypnosis.

Related Research:

Beevi, Low & Hassan (2016) investigated the impact that hypnosis intervention had in reducing physical symptoms such as vomiting and psychological symptoms such as stress and anxiety in pregnant women. The experimental group participated in hypnosis intervention at 16, 20, 28, and 36 weeks gestation while the participants in the control group received routine antenatal care from 16 weeks gestation to 36 weeks gestation. The results of the study indicated that that hypnosis intervention aided in the reduction of psychological and physical symptoms associated with pregnancy.

Are you interested in learning more? Please reach out!


Beevi, Z., Low, W. Y., & Hassan, J. (2016). Impact of hypnosis intervention in alleviating psychological and physical symptoms during pregnancy. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 58(4), 368-382. doi:10.1080/00029157.2015.1063476

Elizabeth Miller, Ph.D., LPC-S, LMFT

Dr. Elizabeth Miller is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, researcher, speaker, and mom of three, who specializes in women’s mental health, chronic illness, and compassion-focused trauma recovery. She opened her private clinical practice, Well Mind Body after identifying a need for an integrative and holistic approach to healing. She provides support for women, teenagers, couples, and families, who are looking for a mind-body approach to mental health. Dr. Miller merges modern neuroscience with research-based mind-body techniques to help her clients obtain optimal health.


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